Ibiza Mice Summit 2021 schedule

Our Event Schedule
Our schedule can be hectic, so we are always trying to find time to see all peoples

Tue, 19oct, 2021

8:30 Entrada

45 min Palacio de Congresos de Ibiza

9:15 Auditorio

Opening ceremony
Mr. Vicent Marí Torres - President of the Consell d'Eivissa
15 min Palacio de Congresos de Ibiza

9:30 Auditorio

Speakers : Tracy Halliwell, David Noack Pérez, Christoph Tessmar, José Garcia Aguarod

Convention Bureau : The importance of the meetings and events network to move forward

1 Hour Palacio de Congresos de Ibiza

10:30 Auditorio

Speakers : Bart Vermeiren, Katja Bohnet, Alda D. Egurrola-Wienke Speaker Designation

How tech companies are transforming the industry

45 Min Palacio de Congresos de Ibiza

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